Thursday, November 28, 2019

Trans Atlantic Slave Trade free essay sample

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was actually often referred to as the â€Å"Holocaust of Enslavement† which was basically the incarceration and imprisonment of people not for committing criminal offenses but to be put to work for others. The â€Å"Areas that were involved in the European slave trade eventually prospered. (Aca Demon) These areas took advantage of what they had in their own countries and traded for slaves that in result produced twice as much of the product, which made them very profitable. The Portuguese in the 1480’s had discovered uninhabited equatorial islands of Principe and Sao Tome and they ended up developing thriving sugar plantations’ in the rich volcanic soils of these islands and they needed people to work on the sugar plantations so they went to have Africa and brought slaves to man their plantations. (Shillington pg. 69). Then the Europeans saw an opening to trade more east which ended up being the discovery of the New World. We will write a custom essay sample on Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The origin of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was mainly coming from the, â€Å"expanding European empires in the New World lacked one major resource a work force. In most cases the indigenous peoples had proved unreliable†(About. com), the locals were all dying from diseases because the Europeans brought over many diseases and other things and the people already in the New World weren’t used to these diseases and ended up dying. The main reason the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade kept thriving was because of the â€Å"Triangular Trade†, the first part was taking manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and in exchange they would get slaves and that made everyone happy there because the African slave owners would get goods in return for people and the Europeans would get slaves to produce more of the goods they had their slaves producing. The second part of the triangle was the middle passage where they shipped the slaves to America. The final part of this was the produce of the slave plantations in America returned the products to Europe. About. com) The New World was a place in a huge need for more people to do labor because the country was so lavish in crops and new resources. The â€Å"Holocaust of Enslavement† described by Karenga was described as a â€Å"massive killing of about 50 to 100 million lives lost thru mass murder, war, the forcible transfer of populations, and the brutal rigors of the Middle Passage and of enslavement as well as the attendant dehumanization and cultural destruction, one cannot help but conclude that of all the holocausts of history, none surpasses this one. Karenga also goes onto say,† that the Holocaust of enslavement expressed itself in three basic ways 1) a morally monstrous destruction of human life-millions of persons killed, whole peoples destroyed; 2) a morally monstrous destruction of human culture- cities, towns, villages, great works of art and literatures; 3) the morally monstrous destruction of human possibility- the destruction of life-chances and the grounds for human aspiration, freedom, dignity and human solidarity with others† (pg 135 Karenga). The things Karenga say are very true it was basically almost like a job just to survive as a slave. The people who owned you did not care if you were feed well or healthy they just wanted you to do the work they didn’t want to do themselves. These people were sick to force someone against their own will to go all the way across the world just to work on a farm when you can just get a smaller farm and be able to do it yourself. The Africans came over in such bulk as if they almost just agreed to come over and not fight back, but this is very close to the correct thing. The Africans often rebelled and tried to fight back. There are many narratives out their providing stories behind how the slaves tried fighting back. The most common resistance to slavery was â€Å"day to day† resistance which the slaves would break tools, pretend to be sick, light things on fire or just even work really slowly so that they could keep their energy and not get much done (Digital History). The impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was very widespread. The main effect which everyone knows which is very negative which is stated in our slides would be the depopulation of Africa taking everyone out of the country and shipping them off to various places defiantly cuts down on the populations and its not like all of them survived their travels many ended up dying (Kapatamoyo). The impact people say that the slaves were harassed until death at sea is really exaggerated, the book says that most slaves didn’t die from being injured out at sea, but mostly from epidemics passed around on the boat killing many slaves (Harrold pg. 38). The reasoning behind this is very believable for the fact why would you pay for something, but kill it before you put it into work that is basically a waste of your money. A huge impact the Trans-Atlantic slave trade had on Africa was also the Demographic impact it messed up marriage patterns and potentially reproducing more people, because they were taking all the males away from African it is a little hard to have a kid without a male involved (University of Calgary). The positive impact maybe one of the only to come out of this was the New World was able to produce so many new things often being called a â€Å"rich† place to come to because of all the opportunities and resources they had there. Europe was flourishing from all of this they had everything they wanted products coming from the New World and slaves going to the new world which made a huge impact on this whole period, because the Europeans looked at it as a flourishing period for them and basically having nothing wrong with it and on the other hand they were just basically ripping Africa apart to feed their own families breaking families in Africa Apart (Slave Voyages) This took so many peoples lives which had a great impact on America growing into a new country while Africa was struggling to get by. The conclusion of all this the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was a huge destruction of one society, but also a stepping stone to produce one of the most influential Countries in the world now. They do say goods things don’t come without sacrifice. This a terrible way to describe how these people were treated, but I know they had to fight for their lives, but I thank them for all the pain and problems they went through to produce this great country for me to live in today.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Motivation Without Discipline †Recipe for Failure

Motivation Without Discipline – Recipe for Failure We talk a lot about motivation. In fact, we equate with the big current buzzword passion. We have come to believe that without motivation, we cannot be productive. Actually, this really is not true. Ask anyone who has a deadline at work and who must meet that deadline. They hate the task and therefore have no motivation to complete it. But, they do complete it, because there will be bad consequences if they do not. So, what got the job done? Self-discipline, thats what. Defining the Terms Motivation is usually defined as the reason(s) for doing something. It is the why. Thus, a high school student is motivated to get really good grades, because s/he has a certain college in mind that requires them. A plumber gets up and goes to work every day, not because he loves cleaning out peoples clogged drains but because he wants the paycheck that comes with the work he does. Discipline really refers to controlling the what. It means that someone who has discipline knows what has to be done and then does it. A freelance writer, for example, may not have the motivation to complete a certain project. A self-disciplined freelance writer attacks the project and gets it done anyway. The Problem with Motivation While motivation is certainly a good thing and does push us toward our goals, it is also fleeting it comes and goes. Motivation is also quite situational if we do not feel motivated, then we tend not to act, even though we should. Someone may attend a workshop or a seminar. There is a great keynote speaker, and everyone in the room is suddenly motivated to take the advice and/or try the new things they are learning. And everyone leaves that event with continued motivation. After a week or two, 98% of those motivated individuals have done nothing. The other 2% had some self-discipline along with their motivation. The Benefits of Discipline People who have discipline have acquired that character trait over time. It is not fleeting or situational. On the contrary, discipline is habitual. The person has self-discipline in all situations. It is also consistent, because when we develop a habit, it is within us and we do it all the time. People who have the same morning routine every day have that routine because it is a habit. People who have discipline approach every task with the attitude that it will get done, because that is their habit. Discipline is not always fun, to be sure, but it gets results. When the Motivation Takes a Walk, You Need to Have Discipline There are several things you can do to improve your self-discipline. Dump the Excuses right now. We always find the time to do the things we really want to do. But when we are not motivated to do something, we find all sorts of excuses for why we cant do it right not. You have to identify when you are using excuses, and throw them out. Develop Routines You have to have a plan and a schedule to put that plan into action. If you have to write it out and post it in front of you, then that is what you do. You dont have to ask yourself why or if you feel like doing it. It is there and it must get done. Get Invested Find a reason that works for you that is not related to fleeting motivation. If its money, then keep reminding yourself that the pay is coming when you finish the task or at the end of the week when you get your paycheck. Another reason may be not to let other people down. If you dont complete these tasks before you, who else are you impacting? Your team members? Your boss? Your spouse? Or think about the negative consequences if you dont get something done. So, here is the bottom line. Motivation is a wonderful thing. Its the stuff from which ideas come; its the stuff that gets us excited. But when the ideas have to be put into action, and that initial excitement wanes, it is the discipline that kicks in to get things done.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thomas Edisons contribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thomas Edisons contribution - Essay Example In 1979, Edison developed a carbon-filament lamp. He demonstrated operation of lamp at his Menlo Park laboratory. Very next year, he began producing lamps commercially in which he used carbonized bamboo as filaments. After finding that the oxygen weakens the platinum once it gets heated, he put the filament in a vacuum bulb. This surely improved the performance of his lamp. The market was eagerly waiting for a device that could solve their lighting needs. Edison applied the Joule's and Ohm's laws in developing high resistance lamps reducing the size of copper conductors and thereby its cost. He was the first person to convert carbon into a wire-kind ; the invention helped him to make incandescent electric lamps providing one more utility that fulfilled market needs (Inventions (2012).  Ã‚   Electric Power SystemWhen question comes to developing electric power system, he felt the need to develop host of other devices such as electrical generator, electric motors, fuses to prevent ov erloading, and the screw socket to hold lamps. Edison also designed a direct-current system that was required to provide power to an isolated single building. Soon he realized that an alternating current system was a better alternative for high-voltage transmission. He did not develop an alternating current system because he believed that high voltages were unsafe. His contribution to the development of electrical systems and devices is unprecedented.His only invention in the field of pure science came to be known as the Edison effect.